Height to weight converter
Height to weight converter

It specially designed to convert kg to lbs, lbs to kg, grams to ounces, ounces to grams, pounds to ounces, ounces to pounds. Our Unit Converter will convert weight units Kilograms (kg), Grams (g), Milligram, Metric Ton, Long Ton, Short Ton, Pound (lb), Ounce(oz), Carrat, Atomic Mass Units to vice versa from imperial to metric system. Nowadays International Standard (SI) units are used as a global measurement system. A huge improvement in civilization, It necessary to improve measuring standards. Due to this a major problem everyone is facing while doing trading between the countries. We use these systems for measure distances, volume, mass & weight, speed, area etc. In history, there were lots of measuring systems developed but mostly used imperial & metric system of measurement. Same way for measuring weight oldest method is beam balance & still its used. For measuring length used forearm, hand, foot & finger as a unit.

height to weight converter height to weight converter

In history for measurement people used human body as a tool. The height chart below shows conversions from kg to stones and pounds, rounded to a maximum of 2 decimal places. It is essential to use standard measurement in every field that everyone to be sure that they not get cheated. As technology is growing day by day so we need a highly accurate and easy convenient global measuring system in each and every field. Also, explore many other unit converters or learn more about weight and mass unit conversions.


We use measurement in science, engineering, business trading, personal life, education, and more other fields. The BMI method calculates body fat percentage based on age, sex, height, and weight. Free online weight and mass converter - converts between 70 units of weight and mass, including kilogram kg, gram g, milligram mg, ton (metric) t, etc.

height to weight converter

5 feet + 5 inches 165 centimeters 1.65 meters. Please, if you find any issues in this calculator, or if you have any suggestions, please contact us. Measurement is the most important aspect of our life. To use this converter, is very simple, just enter a value in feet and a value in inches.

Height to weight converter